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BIRS Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures for Beth Israel Religious School (BIRS)
Last Updated 9/2024

School Contact Information

  • Lynne Caine, Director of Education, email here or text (734-476-0840)
  • Director will monitor her cell phone during school hours. 
  • Please have your cell phone on and un-silenced during school hours, so you can be reached if needed.

Other Communication Avenues

  • Teachers will send weekly emails to parents to provide and update regarding classroom activities and to communicate other need-to-know information.
  • The director will email updates and other need-to-know information as needed.
  • To facilitate communication, we will continue to have a What'sApp group that parents can choose to join. 

Drop Off & Pick Up

  • We have a drop off/pick up line at the BIRS entrance on the lower level on the Austin Street side of the building.
  • Cars will enter at the last Beth Israel driveway, near the playground, and pull up towards the sidewalk as far as they can.
  • Cars should turn around and wait in the neighborhood, not back up towards Washtenaw Avenue. A traffic backup on Washtenaw is very dangerous.

  • While waiting in the car-line, please leave the cross-walks and side-walks open/clear for pedestrians.

  • When it is time for dismissal the Director or Assistant will approach each car and ask parents for their child's/children's name(s) and call them via walkie talkie.

  • If another parent/friend/family member will be picking up your child, please alert the director via email or text (734-476-0840).

  • If you prefer to park and then pick-up your child, please walk to the school door and stand on this side, instead of standing on the grass section by the street. This is a safety precaution, specifically to prevent students running/walking through the moving car pick-up line to meet parents.

  • To pick up your student early, please come to the lower level BIRS entrance and ring the doorbell. Security will contact the Director or Assistant who will go get your child from their classroom.

  • Any child who is going to walk or ride a bike home must have parent/guardian’s permission to do so, and must be old enough to be mindful and careful while walking/biking past the pick-up car line. Email the director if your child will walk or bike.

Health Related

  • If your student is not feeling well in any way, please do not send them to school.
  • Students must be fever free (no medication) for 24 hours before returning to BIRS.
  • If a student is not feeling well during school hours, a parent or guardian will be contacted to pick them up early.

  • In a health emergency, we will call 911 and attempt to call you. Please have your cell phone on and un-silenced during school hours.

  • Please make sure all current health issues are listed on the registration form. 

  • If new health issues arise during the school year, please email the director.

  • Please have your child wear a mask if you are unsure they are sick or fully well, and when recommended in the CDC guidelines and/or by a health provider.

  • If a teacher or their family has a health vulnerability, a class may be required to wear masks when they are with that teacher.

Cell Phones

  • In general, we ask that students do not use their cell phones during class hours, including break times.

  • If cell phones are seen, student will be asked to put them away. If a cell phone is seen after that, it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.

  • There may be times that a teacher asks a student to pull out a phone if they have one. That is acceptable on a case by case basis.

Behavior Concerns

  • We are committed to maintaining positive relationships with students while facilitating communication, reflection and restoration.

  • Situations arising in class are handled using reminders, redirection, solution-focused 1 on 1 conferences, and/or guided, conflict resolution (when involving more than one student).

  • When needed, the teacher or Lynne Caine will call the parent that day, or have a quick, in-person conversation at pick-up.

  • In rare cases, we may request the parent come inside at pick-up time for a quick meeting, or request a conference with the parent, teacher and student be scheduled.

Supplies and Clothing

  • Consumable supplies needed in school will be provided.
  • Please send your child with weather-appropriate clothing so they can comfortably enjoy outdoor recess.

Snacks and Water

  • We will provide a snack on both Sundays and Wednesdays. Snacks will have hechshers and will be nut-free, though may be made in a factory that processes nut products. 

  • Gluten-free options will be available.

  • If your student requires more than a light snack, or needs something different due to personal requirements or preferences, please send them with a hechshered, dairy, nut-free snack.

  • Please send your child with a water bottle. Cups will not be put out for students, but they may drink from their water bottles during class and/or can use the drinking fountain during break.

Kashrut and Kippot

  • BIRS follows Beth Israel Congregation's Kashrut policy.
  • Students will be encouraged to wear kippot when reading or practicing prayers or traditonal texts, and when in the chapel or sanctuary during services.
  • We are proud to have kippot available for students to use that were donated by BIRS graduates, or your child can wear one of their own.

School Security

  • We put safety as our top priority by having security present every time school meets.
  • Per professional guidance, we do not publish our security procedures.
  • Questions about security may be directed to our Executive Director, Jerry Sorokin at

School Cancelation

  • School may be canceled due to inclement weather, or other circumstances.

  • As a general rule, we follow Ann Arbor Public Schools. If AAPS is closed for the day due to inclement weather, BIRS will also be closed.

  • If BIRS closes on a Sunday, we will notify all parents via email and post to the What'sApp group.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785