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Intro to Judaism Class 2024-2025

SESSIONS FOR 2024-25 take place in-person one weekday and one Shabbat every month:  the weekday is every third Wednesday evening of the month from 6:45-8:30pm, and the Shabbats are listed below from September through May.  The course is taught by Rabbi Caine.

Class Schedule (*indicates a Wednesday 6:45-8:30pm, and + indicates Saturday 12:00-1:30p,)

September 18*
October 16*
October 26+
November 16+
November 20*
December 7+
December 18*
January 11+
January 15*
February 8+
February 19*
March 15+
March 19*
April 16*
April 26+
May 10+
May 21*
Mikveh [tentatively May 28] 

There is no charge for the course.  Donations to the synagogue are always appreciated but only for those whose circumstances support it. 

All communications for the class take place through a google calendar invite.  Make sure to have Sam in the office get you on the google calendar invite for the class, have your name on the class list so we can stay in touch, and also make sure your email is in our system.  Most communications, many of which may be last minute, are reflected in google calendar updates.

Conversion Requirements

  • Create a Google-doc and list in it everything you are doing to learn and practice during the conversion process:  list every service you've attended, every book or article you've read, every seder and holiday you've observed, every class you've atttended, etc.
  • Listen to “What Every Teacher Should Know About Judaism” on the “Judaism for the Thinking Person” podcast at  (You'll learn a lot about practical Torah by listening to other podcasts here.)
  • Attend a minimum of two Friday night and two Saturday morning services per month at Beth Israel Congregation, in addition to holidays
  • Attend Rabbi Caine's classes.
  • Learn to read Hebrew phonetically (with a mastery of all letters and vowels)
  • Familiarize Yourself with the History Timeline and Jewish Terms Glossary which you can download from here.
  • Kasher one's kitchen for Passover (so as to show understanding of the dietary laws) and commit to a chosen level of kashrut in consultation with Rabbi Caine
  • Keep one traditional Shabbat, including services and observing appropriate restrictions
  • Prepare to answer questions on the material covered in To Be A Jew.
  • Grasp the difference between joining a people and joining a religion.
  • Gain a familiarity with the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
  • Practice Torah commentary study.
  • Write a 1 to 3 page essay for the Beit Din on your journey and the parts of Judaism you most connect with.
  • To complete the process, appearance before a Beit Din of three rabbis, answering questions about yourself and Judaism, and immersion in a mikvah.  For me, circumcision or a pinprick (which we'll discuss).  Here is a link to the mikvah blessings.

Books and Materials

The class schedule for the course is listed farther down this page, along with the topics.  Read on!

Main Textbook:  To Be a Jew by Rabbi H. Donin

Online Learning:  Anything in and on To learn prayers (when you're ready), try    Also anything on the Youtube channels Unpacked and BimBam

Required Videos to stream:  50 Years War (Youtube); Israel and the Arabs Elusive Peace (Youtube); The Oslo Diaries (Hulu/HBO); two Holocaust movies of your choice (e.g. Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution (2005), Schindler's List, survivor testimony at Yad Vashem, and other options here.)

Ritual Items:  Along the way, items to purchase include:  A mezuzah (with kosher scroll parchment), a hanukkiah menorah (9 branches for Hanukkah), and two candlesticks (of any kind to use on Shabbat -- I favor the kind that hold tea lights).

Recommended Books:
The Jewish Way by Rabbi I. Greenberg [I have extra copies]
The Sabbath by Rabbi A.J. Heschel
Etz Hayim:  Torah and Commentary 
The Drowned and the Saved by Primo Levi
Night by Elie Wiesel
God in Search of Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel
A Guide to Jewish Prayer by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Here All Along by Sarah Hurwitz
The Gifts of the Jews by Thomas Cahill

Learning Hebrew to be able to Phonetically Read:

Reading Hebrew for meaning is like learning Chinese:  it's not easy.  The vast majority of Jews for two thousand years learn enough Hebrew to phonetically read Hebrew, and some take on learning some of the words' meanings.  But how can you understand the prayers?  One studies the prayers to learn the meanings of the prayer, not the translations of each word.  You need to figure out a way to learn to read Hebrew phonetically.  One can use a book, get a tutor, use on-line resources, not to speak Modern Hebrew, but to be able to pronounce the Hebrew words.  Teach Yourself to Read Hebrew by Simon & Anderson is a good do-it-yourself system, but any way of doing it is good.  Some online resources to consider:
Hebrew Courses through American Jewish University
Hebrew Courses through Gratz CollegeUdemy
Hebrew Guru.

SYLLABUS 2024-2025

September 18:  Conversion as Coming Home;. High Holidays - Read Donin chapters on High Holidays.  Recommended: Rabbi Alan Lew's book This is Real and You're Totally Unprepared for It

October 16:  Cultural vs Religious Judaism; Shepherd Spirituality.  From Shepherds to the Promised Land -- Where We Come From.  Required: Rabbi Caine's 2024 Kol Nidrei Sermon here. Optional Reading:  The Gifts of the Jews book. 

October 26 (Saturday):  Prayer:  A Daily Practice, Shema, Amidah, Tefillin, Tallit. Reading: Shabbat Guide to Morning.  Also read Rabbi Caine's "Science and Tefillah."  Optional: Steinsaltz's A Guide to Jewish Prayer

November 16 (Saturday). Shabbat. Assignment:  Donin chapters on Shabbat plus as much of Heschel's The Sabbath as you get through.

November 20:  Reading the Bible Jewishly: The Spiritual Practice of Midrash plus using Sefaria - (Reading: Midrash download .)  Two Adams. (Optional Reading: Rabbi Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith download, pages 10 forward as far as you get.) 

December 7: Roman Period and Judaism & Sin (Reading: Christian New Testament Romans chapter 7.)  "Sin" (cheit, avon, pesha vs yetser hara)

December 18: Hanukkah, Menorah, Christmas, Freedom of Religion as a value; the folktale replaces the militarism and why. Read: Donin on Hanukkah.

January 11:  Life Cycle: Baby Namings, Circumcision, Bar/t Mitzvah and Weddings (Read Donin on Life Cycle)

January 15:  Life Cycle continued. Death, Bereavement, Mourning, Burial/Cremation.

February 8: Kashrut and Kashering. Assignment:  Donin chapters on Kashrut and on Treatment of Animals. Also read Rav Nadav's download here.

February 19:   Arab-Israel Conflict:   Watch these YouTube videos: First, Second, Third, Fourth. Fifth. Also, please consult the  Arab-Israel Conflict Timeline here plus videos and Materials below.

March 15: Purim and Passover (Haggadah, Seder, Themes etc.)

March 19: All Holidays review: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Purim, Pesach, Shavuot, Tisha B'Av.

April 16: Jewish Law with the example of Kitniyot

April 26:  Kabbalah and Jewish Concepts of God.  Reading: Download here.

May 10: 

May 21:  Holocaust, Anti-Semitism. These videos: First, Second, Third.  Mikveh and Beit Din Prep.

FYI a previous year's Materials:

Second Class Session, November 6, 2022:  From Shepherds to the Promised Land -- Where We Come From.  Optional Reading:  The Gifts of the Jews book.

November 20, 2022:  Hanukkah etc..  (Reading: Glossary and Timeline download from here.)

December 4, 2022:  Reading the Torah Jewishly 1. (Reading: Midrash download .)

December 20, 2022:  Second Temple Period. Reading the Torah Jewishly 2.  Two Adams. (Optional Reading: Rabbi Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith download, pages 10 forward as far as you get.)

January 8, 2023:  The Rabbinic Period and Christianity: Sin, Human Nature, and the Meaning of Holiness.  (Reading: Christian New Testament Romans chapter 7.)

January 15, 2023:  Kabbalah and Jewish Concepts of God.  Reading: Download here.

January 29, 2023:  [Rescheduled] Jewish Ritual Practice:  Mezuzah, Tallit, Tefillin, Candlelighting, Kippah.  "Taking a Step" vs "In or Out" approaches. 

February 12, 2023:  Kosher Dietary Laws Class 1:  Treyfe, Reasons for Laws, Dishes, Kosher slaughter, and Eating Out.  Assignment:  Donin chapters on Kashrut and on Treatment of Animals. Also read Rav Nadav's download here.

February 26, 2023:  Kashrut Class 2, and Purim.  (Read Donin's To Be A Jew on Purim and Kashering utensils.)

March 12, 2023 (SPECIAL TIME 1:30-3:00):  SHABBAT.   Assignment:  Donin chapters on Shabbat plus as much of Heschel's The Sabbath as makes sense to you.

March 26, 2023: 3 Phases of Shabbat. And the Three Festivals: Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot (Read Donin chapters 10, 11 and 12).

April 9, 2023:  Jewish Life Cycle: Birth, Babies, Bar/t Mitzvah, Weddings, Divorce, Burial, Bereavement (Read all Donin chapters Part Four).

April 23, 2023:   Memorial/Mourning/Birth life cycle events

May 7, 2023:  Synagogue service literacy. Prayer. Assignment: Read either Steinsaltz book or Donin's To Pray as a Jew. Read Rabbi Caine's Guide to the Service. Also read Rabbi Caine's "Science and Tefillah."  For reference, the afternoon and evening services can be found here.

May 21, 2023:  Anti-semitism, Holocaust, and Israel.  Please consult the  Arab-Israel Conflict Timeline here plus videos and Materials below.

TBA GRAND REVIEW:  High Holidays and a review of all of the holidays.
June 4, 2023:  Review, Immersion Ritual, and Beit Din practice.

SYLLABUS 2023-2024

October 12:  Conversion as Coming Home;  Cultural vs Religious Judaism; Shepherd Spirituality (Nadav)

Oct 26 (Nadav):  Arab-Israel Conflict:   Watch these YouTube videos: First, Second, Third, Fourth. Fifth. Also, please consult the  Arab-Israel Conflict Timeline here plus videos and Materials below.

November 16  (Nadav) : Life Cycle: Baby Namings, Circumcision, Bar/t Mitzvah and Weddings
November 30 (Caine)- Life Cycle:  Death, Bereavement, Mourning. 
December 7 - (Caine) - Bereavement, Burial/Cremationl + Hanukkah, Menorah, Christmas, Freedom of Religion as a value; the folktale replaces the militarism and why.
Dec 21 - (Nadav) - Kashrut and Kashering. Assignment:  Donin chapters on Kashrut and on Treatment of Animals. Also read Rav Nadav's download here.
January 11 - Roman Period and Christianity/Sin (Reading: Christian New Testament Romans chapter 7.)
Jan 25, 2024 - "Sin" (cheit, avon, pesha vs yetser hara) and The Spiritual Practice of Midrash plus using Sefaria 
February 8:  Reading the Torah Jewishly 2.  Two Adams. (Optional Reading: Rabbi Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith download, pages 10 forward as far as you get.) (Reading: Midrash download .)
Feb 22 - Prayer:  A Daily Practice, Shema, Amidah, Tefillin, Tallit. Reading: Shabbat Guide to Morning
March 7  - Purim and Passover (Haggadah, Seder, Themes etc.)
March 21 MOVED TO SATURDAY MARCH 23rd.  Come to services at Beth Israel and class will meet at Noon
April 11  - Jewish Law with the example of Kitniyot
SATURDAY April 20 - Passover etc at shul!
May 16- Shabbat and Discussion of the Day of Mikveh. Assignment:  Donin chapters on Shabbat plus as much of Heschel's The Sabbath as makes sense to you.
May 23 - REVIEW:  Review Donin on the Holidays, AND bring any and all questions from the entire course or beyond.  If time, check out: Holocaust, Anti-Semitism. These videos: First, Second, Third.  Also Shabbat

Last year's Materials:

Second Class Session, November 6, 2022:  From Shepherds to the Promised Land -- Where We Come From.  Optional Reading:  The Gifts of the Jews book.

November 20, 2022:  Hanukkah etc..  (Reading: Glossary and Timeline download from here.)

December 4, 2022:  Reading the Torah Jewishly 1. (Reading: Midrash download .)

December 20, 2022:  Second Temple Period. Reading the Torah Jewishly 2.  Two Adams. (Optional Reading: Rabbi Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith download, pages 10 forward as far as you get.)

January 8, 2023:  The Rabbinic Period and Christianity: Sin, Human Nature, and the Meaning of Holiness.  (Reading: Christian New Testament Romans chapter 7.)

January 15, 2023:  Kabbalah and Jewish Concepts of God.  Reading: Download here.

January 29, 2023:  [Rescheduled] Jewish Ritual Practice:  Mezuzah, Tallit, Tefillin, Candlelighting, Kippah.  "Taking a Step" vs "In or Out" approaches. 

February 12, 2023:  Kosher Dietary Laws Class 1:  Treyfe, Reasons for Laws, Dishes, Kosher slaughter, and Eating Out.  Assignment:  Donin chapters on Kashrut and on Treatment of Animals. Also read Rav Nadav's download here.

February 26, 2023:  Kashrut Class 2, and Purim.  (Read Donin's To Be A Jew on Purim and Kashering utensils.)

March 12, 2023 (SPECIAL TIME 1:30-3:00):  SHABBAT.   Assignment:  Donin chapters on Shabbat plus as much of Heschel's The Sabbath as makes sense to you.

March 26, 2023: 3 Phases of Shabbat. And the Three Festivals: Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot (Read Donin chapters 10, 11 and 12).

April 9, 2023:  Jewish Life Cycle: Birth, Babies, Bar/t Mitzvah, Weddings, Divorce, Burial, Bereavement (Read all Donin chapters Part Four).

April 23, 2023:   Memorial/Mourning/Birth life cycle events

May 7, 2023:  Synagogue service literacy. Prayer. Assignment: Read either Steinsaltz book or Donin's To Pray as a Jew. Read Rabbi Caine's Guide to the Service. Also read Rabbi Caine's "Science and Tefillah."  For reference, the afternoon and evening services can be found here.

May 21, 2023:  Anti-semitism, Holocaust, and Israel.  Please consult the  Arab-Israel Conflict Timeline here plus videos and Materials below.

TBA GRAND REVIEW:  High Holidays and a review of all of the holidays.
June 4, 2023:  Review, Immersion Ritual, and Beit Din practice.

SYLLABUS 2022-2023

Second Class Session, November 6, 2022:  From Shepherds to the Promised Land -- Where We Come From.  Optional Reading:  The Gifts of the Jews book.

November 20, 2022:  Hanukkah etc..  (Reading: Glossary and Timeline download from here.)

December 4, 2022:  Reading the Torah Jewishly 1. (Reading: Midrash download .)

December 20, 2022:  Second Temple Period. Reading the Torah Jewishly 2.  Two Adams. (Optional Reading: Rabbi Soloveitchik, Lonely Man of Faith download, pages 10 forward as far as you get.)

January 8, 2023:  The Rabbinic Period and Christianity: Sin, Human Nature, and the Meaning of Holiness.  (Reading: Christian New Testament Romans chapter 7.)

January 15, 2023:  Kabbalah and Jewish Concepts of God.  Reading: Download here.

January 29, 2023:  [Rescheduled] Jewish Ritual Practice:  Mezuzah, Tallit, Tefillin, Candlelighting, Kippah.  "Taking a Step" vs "In or Out" approaches. 

February 12, 2023:  Kosher Dietary Laws Class 1:  Treyfe, Reasons for Laws, Dishes, Kosher slaughter, and Eating Out.  Assignment:  Donin chapters on Kashrut and on Treatment of Animals. Also read Rav Nadav's download here.

February 26, 2023:  Kashrut Class 2, and Purim.  (Read Donin's To Be A Jew on Purim and Kashering utensils.)

March 12, 2023 (SPECIAL TIME 1:30-3:00):  SHABBAT.   Assignment:  Donin chapters on Shabbat plus as much of Heschel's The Sabbath as makes sense to you.

March 26, 2023: 3 Phases of Shabbat. And the Three Festivals: Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot (Read Donin chapters 10, 11 and 12).

April 9, 2023:  Jewish Life Cycle: Birth, Babies, Bar/t Mitzvah, Weddings, Divorce, Burial, Bereavement (Read all Donin chapters Part Four).

April 23, 2023:   Memorial/Mourning/Birth life cycle events

May 7, 2023:  Synagogue service literacy. Prayer. Assignment: Read either Steinsaltz book or Donin's To Pray as a Jew. Read Rabbi Caine's Guide to the Service. Also read Rabbi Caine's "Science and Tefillah."  For reference, the afternoon and evening services can be found here.

May 21, 2023:  Anti-semitism, Holocaust, and Israel.  Please consult the  Arab-Israel Conflict Timeline here plus videos and Materials below.

TBA GRAND REVIEW:  High Holidays and a review of all of the holidays.
June 4, 2023:  Review, Immersion Ritual, and Beit Din practice.

Want to learn from viewing past sessions?

Past Topics of Last Year's sessions if you want to get into the learning a.s.a.p.:





The Tallit, plus Life Cycle 1:  Pregnancy/Birth, Circumcision, Marriage, and beginning of Death.  (April 10)

Death and Mourning Part 2 and an explanation of The Kaddish (April 24) 

May 8th:  High Holidays, and the 3-2-3 System

JUNE 12 with Rav Nadav: How to Read the Torah Jewishly
JUNE 26 with rabbinical student Naomi Gurt-Lind
JULY 3 with rabbinical student Naomi Gurt-Lind

Overview of Jewish History. The Transformation of Shepherd Hebrew Religion into the Formation of a New Israelite Country into a Portable Rabbinic Judaism into Diaspora, Modernity & Anti-Semitism.

The Bible and Its Interpretation. 2nd Temple Period. Delving into the first two chapters of Genesis.

How to Read the Torah Jewishly with Examples

The Rabbinic Period and Christianity.  Sin, Human Nature & The Debate with the early Church 

The Shared Doc "Contract" With Me.   Starting your Jewish practice:  Mezuzah, Tallit, Tefillin, Candlelighting,  Kippah, Jewish Star.   "Taking on a Mitzvah" or "Taking a Step" vs In or Out.  The Dietary Laws (plus:  “Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform”) part 1 - Getting Started, Treyfe, and Social Dimension.

Kosher Dietary Laws Part 2:  Reasons for Laws, Dishes, Kosher slaughter, and Eating Out.   Assignment:  Donin chapters on Kashrut and on Treatment of Animals

Prayer.  Assignment: Read either Steinsaltz book or Donin's To Pray as a Jew

Purim and Shabbat.  Assignment:  Donin chapters on Shabbat plus as much of Heschel's The Sabbath as makes sense to you.


Theology:  Kabbalah, Torah, and the Universe.  Background lecture: Kabbalah (video lecture) and Kabbalah #2.  The texts are here.

Israel.  (Please watch the 50 Years War, Elusive Peace, and The Oslo Diaries, or as much as possible.  Open this document.) 

The Holidays and the Jewish Paradigm of Journey

Recordings of Intro to Judaism Classes 2020-2021

Some people learn fastest by reading, and others by listening.  You are invited to listen to the recordings from last year, as it will give you a great foundation for the course!

November 1st, 2020:  Overview of Jewish History:   From Hebrews to Jews (video of the class)-  The Transformation of Shepherd Hebrew Religion into the Formation of a New Israelite Country into a Portable Rabbinic Judaism into Diaspora, Modernity & Anti-Semitism. 

November 22, 2020: The Bible and Its Interpretation:  Midrash (video of the class)
2nd Temple Period.  Midrash handout.  Delving into the first two chapters of Genesis.

December 6, 2020:  How to Read the Torah with Examples (video of the class)

December 20, 2020:  The Rabbinic Period and Christianity.  (Read Christian New Testament Romans chapter 7.)   Sin, Human Nature & The Debate with the early Church (video of the class)

January 10, 2021:  The Shared Doc "Contract" With Me.   Starting your Jewish practice:  Mezuzah, Tallit, Tefillin, Candlelighting,  Kippah, Jewish Star.   "Taking on a Mitzvah" or "Taking a Step" vs In or Out.  The Dietary Laws (plus:  “Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform”) part 1 - Getting Started, Treyfe, and Social Dimension.

January 24, 2021:  Kosher Dietary Laws Part 2:  Reasons for Laws, Dishes, Kosher slaughter, and Eating Out.   Assignment:  Donin chapters on Kashrut and on Treatment of Animals

February 7, 2021:   Prayer.  Assignment: Read either Steinsaltz book or Donin's To Pray as a Jew

February 21, 2021:  Purim and Shabbat.  Assignment:  Donin chapters on Shabbat plus as much of Heschel's The Sabbath as makes sense to you.

March 7, 2021:   Shabbat and Pesach 

March 21, 2021:   Jewish Life Cycle part 1

April 11, 2021:   Jewish Life Cycle:  Birth, Babies, Bar/t Mitzvah, Burial, Bereavement  (Read Donin chapters on Life cycle)

April 25:  The role of Kaddish, followed by Theology:  Kabbalah, Torah, and the Universe.  Background lecture: Kabbalah (video lecture) 

May 2, 2021:  Discussion and Kabbalah #2.  The texts are here.

May 16, 2021:  1pm Class on Israel.  (Please watch the 50 Years War, Elusive Peace, and The Oslo Diaries, or as much as possible.  Open this document.)   Then 7:30pm Shavuot Tikkun Study Sessions.

June 6, 2021:  The Holidays and the Jewish Paradigm of Journey

Past readings (that should be understood):

Underlying Principles of Judaism: Donin, To Be a Jew, pp. 7-69.

Judaism and Your Relationship to God

Religious Practice in Daily Life

Shabbat: Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath. Donin, pp. 70-103.

Holidays: Donin, Part Three.  Read: The Jewish Way.

The Synagogue, Prayer, and Jewish Symbols
Donin, Chapters 8 & 9.  Plus selections from the Siddur (prayerbook) and from A Guide to Jewish Prayer.

Jewish Life Cycle:  Donin, part 4.

Bible and the Development of Judaism:  Assigned chapters in the Hebrew Bible.

Holocaust:  Wiesel, Levi, and Discussion.

Israel:  The 50 Years War (dvd or youtube).


Conversion Agreement

Candidates will make a Google-doc to share with the rabbi using this text:

As a conversion candidate, I agree to the following code of conduct.

    I agree to attend at least 12 Friday evening Shabbat services and at least 18 Saturday morning Shabbat services, as well as the holiday morning services of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and the evening services of Simchat Torah, Purim, Shavuot, and Tisha B’Av.  I will keep a record on this page with each service attended for the rabbi to review.

    I agree to attend all of the Intro to Judaism classes.  I will miss no more than three classes, and in those cases I will review the audio-or-video recordings from those topics in their entirety.  I will keep a record on this page of my class attendance.

    In addition to the Intro to Judaism classes, I agree to attend other classes offered by the rabbi when I am available, and I will keep a record of this attendance as well.

    I will also make sure that as a prospective member of Beth Israel Congregation, I will maintain a Beth Israel account (with login and password and my correct contact information), and I will join when the process is complete.  (First year membership is free for new converts.)  I will read the Beth Israel emails and attend programming that interests me.

    I understand that by not meeting the above expectations, I expect the rabbi to assume I’m no longer interested in the conversion process. 


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785